2345首页 » 动物百科 » Hexatoma posticata

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 双翅目 » 大蚊科 »

名字:Hexatoma posticata
学名:Hexatoma posticata
Belongs to the mesopyrrha group; general coloration black; antennae (female) 11-segmented, the terminal segment twice the length of the penultimate; only the posterior legs are left, the posterior femora and tibiae yellow, the tips narrowly and abruptly black; wings yellow,· with the apex and an incomplete band at about one-third the wing-length brown; abdomen black, the bases of the tergites more nacreous, most extensively so on tergite two; genita1 segment of ovipositor fiery orange. Female. - Length, about 21 mm.; wing, 19 mm.; antenna, about 6 mm.